The Best Media are the Ones that Optimize Brand Trust

Estimated read time 4 min read

Your client could make the best media ads you’ve ever seen, but they mean nothing if they don’t inspire trust. Brand trust is what motivates consumers over the line between interest and a purchase. So, how do you build trust and which media types should your client use to do so?

Brand Trust 101

What is it?

According to an article from Sprout Social, brand trust is, “how much consumers perceive they can rely on your brand to fulfill its promises.” Promises like:

Your client’s brand values and mission statement

Product/​service quality

Supply chain transparency (e.g., if they’re actually eco-friendly)

Ad trustworthiness

Customer service practices

Why it Matters

When prices raise the way they have been lately, consumers are pickier about what they spend their money on. If they’ve never made a purchase from a brand before, they need to be sure they’ll get their money’s worth first. So, building trust with ads and a good online presence is crucial to sales.

Establishing brand trust can lead to multiple benefits, says Sprout Social. These benefits include, but aren’t limited to:

Enhanced loyalty and retention: Your client makes far more sales to repeat customers than new ones. Creating a good brand experience builds trust, which leads to customer retention. And when consumers love a brand, they tend to spread the word

Customer advocacy: Think about how often you look through reviews before making a purchase. It’s almost always when it’s a new brand or product/​service, right? Building brand trust means your client will get more positive reviews to help them build more trust with potential customers

How to Build Trust

Building brand trust requires the perfect mix of the best media and the right online presence.

Prioritize Social Media

Social media is one of the most prominent past times of U.S. consumers of all ages. And they don’t just use it for entertainment. It’s often the first place they’ll go to research a brand they’ve seen in ads that they’re interested in.

Social is the perfect mix of the best media ad types out there and an online presence for customer interaction. According to Sprout Social, 51% of consumers say the most memorable thing a brand can do is be responsive on social. “Another 76% notice and appreciate when companies prioritize customer support and value how quickly a company responds to their needs.”

48% of consumers also want to see more content/​ads featuring brands’ employees on social media. It makes brands more transparent and, therefore, trustworthy. So, be sure your client features employees of all parts of business practices on social media.

Being active on social media is a great way to build trust with potential customers. Social ads are a great way to start building trust with more conversational ads and posts. And make sure your client responds to customers’ posts and messages quickly to drive it home.

Choose the Right Influencers

47% of marketers agree that influencers are a key component of increasing brand authenticity and trust, says Sprout Marketing. “Another 87% say influencer marketing has a significant impact on increasing brand reputation.” You just have to make sure your client chooses the right one(s).

Just make sure that whichever influencers your client considers:

Use the best media to engage with your client’s target audience. You can look up what those are on AudienceSCAN on AdMall by SalesFuel

Have a following of consumers within your client’s target audience

Share your client’s brand’s values

Have a good reputation/​are considered trustworthy

There you have it: Two of the best media types to gain consumer trust and boost sales.

Photo by: Helena Lopes

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